The Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has more than 14 million volumes, making it the largest public university collection in the world. Among its most notable collections are the holdings in Slavic and East European literature and history. The Slavic and East European collection is the third largest in North America and the largest collection of any library west of Washington, D.C. Along with the extensive periodical holdings of nineteenth-century titles, the library owns the 562 microfilm reels of the opisi of the Communist Party Archives, the catalog of the Russian National Library, the Prague Spring microform collection, the Polish Independent Publications microform collection, the GULAG Press, 1920-1937 microfiche collection, and the Beloe Dvizhenie: Katalog Kollektsii Listovok (1917-1920) among others.